「新式外來人口統一證號(New UI No.)」變更事宜
The Change Notice of NEW UI No. for Foreign Nationals
親愛的客戶 您好:
Dear Customers,
The Ministry of the Interior has replaced "New UI No." format for Foreign Nationals and the format has been implemented since 2 January 2021.You can get more information from Ministry of the Interior
If you have applied for your New UI No., this is a reminder of the following contents:
(一)您可以下載檔案保險契約內容變更申請書,填寫變更項目”姓名/身分證字 號/出生日期… 等基本資料變更”並於第五頁要保人簽章欄位,簽署最後留存於本公司之樣式簽章並檢附新式中華民國居留證影印本,以郵寄方式或至本公司保戶服務中心辦理變更資料。
You can download the document”Insurance Contract Amendment Application Form”,fill in the change item “Basic Information : Name/ID Number /Date of Birth” and sign in with the last type of signature kept in our company on the applicant's signature field at page 5. After signing the from, please attach a copy of your R.O.C.(Taiwan) Resident Certificate with New UI No., then send by post or bring the abovementioned documents to the policyholder service center of our company, our staff will assist you in replacing your personal information.
In addition, after applying to our company for replacing New UI No.:
It is suggested that you should update relevant information to your bank, so that your bank can replace your information and successfully complete the deduction/deposit according to relevant agreements.
If you need further clarification, please call the customer service hotline 0809-0809-68, and a dedicated person will serve you.